Bioidentical Hormone HRT Pellets in Tampa, FL
Medical Aesthetics, Hormone Therapy & Weight Loss Clinic located in North and South Tampa, Brandon and Palm Harbor, FL
Hormones are essential for every part of your body, so when your levels fall, you suffer various potential health problems. The skilled providers at Garcia Weight Loss Aesthetics & Hormone Therapy in Brandon, Palm Harbor, North Tampa, and South Tampa, Florida, restore hormone levels using safe, highly effective bioidentical hormone pellets. If you struggle with low energy or your sex drive has disappeared, it’s time to consider bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Call the nearest office or book an appointment online today.
What is bioidentical hormone therapy?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or BHRT is a term used to describe the balancing of hormones using compounds that are identical to what is produced normally in the body. This type of therapy is individualized according to the patient's symptoms and prior hormone responses as well as taking into consideration the prior medical history and previous side effects with other medications.
While bioidentical hormone therapy is not considered FDA-approved, the components used ARE FDA-approved. Many patients seek alternatives to traditional hormone replacement due to the known risks and side effects. While no type of hormone therapy is considered risk-free, most patients can enjoy an improvement in symptoms while reducing risks with a carefully-monitored approach.
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What therapy is the best choice for hormone replacement therapy?
While there are many options for hormone replacement, the availability and types of bioidentical options are more limited. The choice of the exact form/type of replacement depends on many factors, including the patient's age and medical history.
Subcutaneous hormone pellet therapy is a highly effective form of BHRT. This unique treatment method is based on prescribing the right kind of hormone in the correct amounts, using a unique delivery system.
Bioidentical hormone pellets provide bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Since bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as your body’s natural hormones, they produce the same response.
BHRT is available in many forms, such as injections, tablets, topical creams, and pellets. Your body responds differently to each form. Being the most widely studied form of BHRT, we are confident and believe pellets most effectively treat the root cause of a patient's symptoms.
The pellet is made of pure testosterone or pure estrogen and is binded with stearic acid. Your provider inserts the pellet under your skin, releasing a steady dose of hormones that can last 3-5 months.
The advantage of using a pellet is that you get a steady supply of hormones which is essential to treat the root cause of your symptoms. You don’t have to suffer from hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, sexual dysfunction, irritability, and more.
Over the years, hormone production declines, lowering your levels of cortisol, insulin, human growth hormone, and thyroid hormones. Low hormone levels have a wide-ranging effect on your body, depending on the hormone.
However, most men and women seek bioidentical (BHRT) to restore their bodies to optimal estrogen and testosterone levels.
Estrogen levels start to decline in the years before menopause, then its production stops at menopause. The average age of menopause is 51, but each woman is different. Symptoms of menopause can start up to 15 years earlier!
Though men don’t experience a sudden, dramatic loss of hormones, their testosterone levels also decline. After reaching 30, their testosterone production drops by up to 2% every year.
Women ages 20-40 lose up to 50% per year!
Subcutaneous hormone pellet therapy is a highly effective form of BHRT. This unique treatment method is based on prescribing the right kind of hormone in the correct amounts, using a unique delivery system.
Hormone replacement, in a word, is balance. Hormonal balance is key to your well-being and is a delicate thing to achieve. Other hormone replacement therapies rarely accomplish or maintain the hormonal equilibrium your body depends on for optimum health. With pellet therapy, your body can return to normal hormonal balance.
Bioidentical hormones are natural, plant-derived compounds with the same molecular structure as those made by the human body. Unlike synthetics, our bodies can readily recognize and metabolize them. It may surprise you to know that bioidentical pellets have been used successfully by patients throughout Europe, Japan, and the United States since the 1930s. Study after study has shown that, when prescribed and administered correctly, bioidentical pellets can benefit various conditions, including depression, weight gain, and osteoporosis.
Although other bioidentical delivery methods are available (i.e., creams, pills, injections, and even micronized capsules), many times, these methods cannot provide a steady stream of hormones in your bloodstream 24/7. That means you are still subject to a roller coaster ride of hormone levels.
And even though patches provide a constant stream of hormones, they must be changed often and do not contain all of the necessary hormone components. Some patients do not even absorb the active ingredient when delivered through the skin in a patch or cream!
For women ages 20-40, their testosterone production decreases by 50% annually!
Women and men experience similar symptoms as estrogen and testosterone levels decline:
- Loss of your sex drive
- Weight gain
- Low energy
- Sleep problems
- Difficulty concentrating
- Memory problems
- Depression
- Tension & irritability
- Mood Swings
- Joint Pain
- Bladder Symptoms
- Brain Fog
- Anxiety
Men notice a decline in muscle mass and strength, fatigue, irritability, and may have erectile dysfunction. Women struggle with problems such as vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, urinary incontinence, and bone loss (osteoporosis).
Bioidentical HRT reverses the problems caused by your hormone imbalance and restores your energy and vitality.
Are you a candidate for hormone pellet therapy?
Symptoms of hormone imbalance vary widely from person to person but may include fatigue, weight gain, altered sense of well-being, increase in sweating, joint pain, sleep problems, irritability, nervousness, depressed mood, exhaustion, declining mental ability or decreased focus, and feeling you have "passed your peak.”
Females may also describe hot flashes, vaginal dryness (or even painful intercourse), little or no sex drive (libido), mood swings/depression/anxiety, night sweats, weight gain, and sleeplessness. Low testosterone levels alone (even 10-15 years BEFORE menopause) can cause fatigue, mood swings, irritability, memory problems, trouble sleeping, trouble concentrating, low libido, and decreased muscle strength.
Males may also complain of new-onset migraine headaches, erectile dysfunction, decreased muscle strength, shrinking testicles, breast development, rapid hair loss, decreased facial hair or beard growth, decreased ejaculation, no results with ED medications, and decreased or absent morning erections (upon waking).
Call the office today to schedule a hormone evaluation appointment with one of our experienced Providers today!
What happens when I get bioidentical hormone pellets?
Your provider applies a topical anesthetic and then inserts the tiny pellet (smaller than a grain of rice) under the skin near your hip. They regularly monitor your hormone levels throughout your treatment and adjust as needed. 92% of Garcia Weight Loss Aesthetics & Hormone Therapy patients report full symptom relief.
To learn more about bioidentical hormone pellets, call Garcia Weight Loss Aesthetics & Hormone Therapy, or book an appointment online today.

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